Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog about a Blog #2

I have chosen to comment on the article “Loss of Funds for National Parks” written by J.B Newhouse.  I’ll start of by saying I agree with the author’s argument of the government not doing enough to preserve our national parks. Our government must really start to take into consideration the state of health that some of national parks are in and they must act quickly.  As the author pointed out, what’s the point of the government spending a ton of money on getting people to live longer when they are just setting them up to live in a unhealthy environment due to lack of preservation by the United States government.  I like how the author points out that we spent 145,000,000 on a missile that we’ll only use once, it makes you really wonder about the decision making is being made in our government system.  Now I also do realize that national security is a focal point of most countries around the world but, a country still must be willing to take care of its national land in order to make their country a place where people feel safe, healthy, and want to spend the rest of their lives.  I like how the author is not afraid to speak his mind, and how he strongly defends his opinions by making very blunt statements.  I really liked reading this blog because I could really feel the author’s anger and frustration towards the government for the lack of funds that have been sent to national parks.

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