Monday, October 17, 2011

One-Sided Affair

In the article from the Washington Monthly it takes about how the president is discussing the American Jobs Act in order to create over two million more jobs for U.S citizens’.  The argument is whether or not the plan is really going to do what everyone says it is going to do and also in which plan do we entrust our nation’s economy with.  This caught my attention due to the fact that I know a lot of people who would love for an act like this to go through.  An act of this magnitude will give them a better opportunity for employment somewhere.
I believe his intended audience was to political reporters just due to the fact that he says himself that he hoped political reporters were paying attention.  Also I believe that it was towards the American public letting them know about the doubts that still surround many and some of the biggest issue that we have in the United States of America today.  The amount of precise information and real up to the date information really makes the author of this article highly credible.  His quotes from Obama’s speech and the percentages of how the voters support the particular bill really pull the whole blog together.  He seems to be making more of a statement rather than carrying on a opinion.  It was probably due to the fact that the situation is so one-sided that no argument could even be put up for the republicans, unless you were one.
            I agree with the author’s arguments. In most part because, of his politically correct and up to date information. It really opened my eyes on how the republicans are acting even during dire times.  I don’t see how republicans can even begin to think that there plan actually has a chance with our current economic position. The facts are the facts and I believe that the white house should push this bill very hard in order for it to pass and to keep the ideas of the republicans on the way side.  We need progress and success in order to build the confidence and security the United States of America once had.  

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