Thursday, September 29, 2011

Complaints of Harrasment on Capitol Hill

As reported by Ed O'Keefe from the Washington Post in his recent article about the uprising in complaints that are dealing with harassment and behavioral issues.  He brings to mind the idea of there still being a great amount of bias between genders and race that still goes on in our nation today, even in the most educated of societies'.
        This article very interesting due to the fact that I was so surprised on how this problem since the beginning days of our nation and government still seem to be heavily unresolved and continue to create problems.
      It is very relevant to me in a way because I have experienced a second hand situation in where a co-worker in some ways seemed to be receiving types of harassment of gender and race from our boss.  This situation is not only uncomfortable for the worker but also for the co-workers so I can see why so many more complaints have arisen because more people are becoming knowledgeable of their rights.
          I wanted to blog about this article because it was a really big eye opener for myself and on how our society with this problem is still so far back from where we need to be.  I feel that this problem needs more attention from big companies and by that statement I mean educating their workers more about these problems.  I feel that our problem is the lack of education to the public about our different races and gender inequality in our nation. I feel we need to learn uniqueness and boundaries of these problems in order to really understand and grasp the concept of making the workplace more comfortable for workers.